Tagging af en side

Tagging a Page

Tagging a page is an important aspect of organizing and categorizing content on a website. Tags are keywords or phrases that are assigned to a piece of content to make it easier to find and sort. By adding tags to a page, users can quickly identify the topic or theme of the content without having to read through the entire page.

Tags can be added to a page by inserting them into the HTML code. This is typically done using the <meta> tag, which is placed within the <head> section of the HTML document. For example, if you wanted to tag a page with the keyword “web design”, you would insert the following code:

<meta name="keywords" content="web design">

Once the tags have been added to a page, they can be used to organize and categorize content across a website. Users can search for specific tags to find related content, making it easier to navigate and explore the site.

Examples of Tags:

  • web development
  • digital marketing
  • graphic design

By using tags effectively, website owners can improve the user experience and make it easier for visitors to find the information they are looking for.

For more information on tagging pages, you can visit Wikipedia’s article on tagging.