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Cache Bursting

Cache bursting is a technique used in web development to ensure that the latest version of a file is always served to the user. It involves appending a unique identifier to the file’s URL, forcing the browser to fetch the updated file instead of using the cached version.

For example, if a website updates its stylesheet, it can use cache bursting by changing the URL from ”styles.css” to ”styles.css?v=2”. This way, when a user visits the website, their browser will recognize the new URL and fetch the updated stylesheet.

Cache bursting is particularly useful for ensuring that users always see the most recent changes to a website, such as design updates or bug fixes. It helps prevent issues caused by browsers caching outdated files and can improve the overall user experience.

Benefits of Cache Bursting:

  • Improved Performance: By serving the latest version of a file, cache bursting can help reduce load times and improve website performance.
  • Consistent User Experience: Users will always see the most up-to-date content, ensuring a consistent experience across different devices and browsers.
  • Easier Maintenance: Developers can make changes to files without worrying about users seeing outdated content, simplifying the maintenance process.

Overall, cache bursting is a valuable technique for web developers looking to ensure that their websites are always up-to-date and provide the best possible user experience.

For more information on cache bursting, you can visit Wikipedia.