Niepowiększona liczba odbiorców netto

Net unduplicated audience

Net unduplicated audience refers to the total number of unique individuals within a target audience who have been reached by a specific media outlet or advertising campaign. This metric is important for advertisers and marketers to understand the true reach of their campaigns and avoid overestimating the size of their audience.

For example, if a campaign reaches 100,000 individuals through social media, 50,000 through online display ads, and 25,000 through a television commercial, the net unduplicated audience would be 175,000 unique individuals.

It is important to track net unduplicated audience to ensure that advertising efforts are reaching a diverse and broad audience. This metric can help marketers optimize their campaigns to reach the largest number of unique individuals possible.

Overall, net unduplicated audience is a key metric for measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and understanding the true reach of a target audience.

Examples of Net Unduplicated Audience Calculation:

  • Social Media: 100,000
  • Online Display Ads: 50,000
  • Television Commercial: 25,000

Total Net Unduplicated Audience: 175,000 unique individuals

For more information on Net Unduplicated Audience, you can visit this Wikipedia link.