E-mail HTML

HTML email

HTML email is the use of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to create email messages. This allows for more visually appealing and interactive emails compared to plain text emails. HTML emails can include images, links, and formatted text, making them more engaging for recipients.

When creating HTML emails, it is important to consider factors such as email client compatibility, responsive design for different devices, and spam filters. It is also important to test the email across different email clients to ensure that it displays correctly for all recipients.

Here are some key elements of HTML emails:

  • Images: Images can be embedded in HTML emails to make them visually appealing.
  • Links: HTML emails can include clickable links to direct recipients to specific webpages.
  • Formatted text: HTML allows for formatting text with different fonts, sizes, and colors.

Overall, HTML emails offer a more dynamic and engaging way to communicate with recipients compared to plain text emails.

For more information, you can visit HTML email on Wikipedia.