VAST, or Video Ad Serving Template, is a standardized template used by digital video players and ad servers to serve video ads. It provides a common language for communication between ad servers and video players, allowing for seamless ad serving and tracking.

One of the key benefits of VAST is its ability to support different types of video ads, including linear ads, non-linear ads, and interactive ads. This flexibility allows advertisers to create engaging and interactive ad experiences for viewers.

Here is an example of a VAST tag:

<VAST version="3.0">
      <AdSystem>Example Ad Server</AdSystem>
      <AdTitle>Example Ad</AdTitle>
              <MediaFile type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360"></MediaFile>

By using VAST, advertisers can reach a wider audience and deliver more targeted and engaging video ads. It also allows for better measurement and optimization of ad campaigns, leading to improved ROI.

For more information about VAST, you can visit Wikipedia.