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Video news release

Video news releases (VNRs) are a form of news media communication in which information is presented in video format. They are often used by public relations professionals to distribute news to television stations, websites, and social media platforms. VNRs typically include interviews, b-roll footage, and graphics to help tell a story or convey a message.

One example of a video news release is a company announcing a new product launch. The VNR may include interviews with company executives, footage of the product in use, and testimonials from satisfied customers. This type of content is designed to generate interest and coverage in the media.

It is important for organizations to ensure that their video news releases are accurate, transparent, and comply with journalistic standards. In some cases, VNRs have been criticized for blurring the line between journalism and advertising.

Overall, video news releases can be an effective tool for sharing information and engaging with audiences in a multimedia format.

  • Include interviews, b-roll footage, and graphics
  • Used to distribute news to TV stations, websites, and social media
  • Should be accurate, transparent, and comply with journalistic standards

For more information about video news releases, you can visit Wikipedia.