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Off-invoice allowance

Off-invoice allowance, also known as off-invoice discount, is a type of discount that is applied directly to the invoice at the time of purchase. This means that the discount is deducted from the total amount of the invoice before the customer makes the payment.

For example, if a supplier offers a 10% off-invoice discount on a product that costs 1000 SEK, the customer will only need to pay 900 SEK at the time of purchase. The discount is applied immediately and does not require any additional steps from the customer.

Off-invoice allowances are commonly used in business-to-business transactions to incentivize customers to make larger purchases or to reward them for their loyalty. They can also help suppliers to increase their sales volume and improve their cash flow.

It is important for both suppliers and customers to clearly define the terms of off-invoice allowances in their agreements to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future.

Overall, off-invoice allowances can be a valuable tool for businesses to attract and retain customers, increase sales, and improve their bottom line.

For more information on off-invoice allowances, please visit Wikipedia.