Nyckelord för nedåtriktade sökningar

Down-funnel Keywords

Down-funnel keywords refer to search terms used by internet users who are closer to making a purchase or taking a specific action. These keywords typically indicate a higher level of intent and are often associated with terms such as ”buy,” ”order,” ”download,” or ”subscribe.”

For example, someone searching for ”best digital camera to buy” is likely further down the sales funnel compared to someone searching for ”how do digital cameras work.” The former is actively looking to make a purchase, while the latter is still in the research phase.

Using down-funnel keywords in your SEO strategy can help attract more qualified leads and increase conversion rates. By targeting these specific keywords, you can ensure that your content is reaching users who are ready to take action.

Some examples of down-funnel keywords include:

  • Buy iPhone X online
  • Download free trial software
  • Order pizza delivery near me

By incorporating down-funnel keywords into your website content, you can improve your chances of reaching users who are ready to convert. Remember to conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-intent keywords for your target audience.

For more information on keywords and SEO strategies, you can visit Wikipedia’s page on Keyword Research.