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Pent-up demand

Pent-up demand refers to the phenomenon where consumers delay purchasing goods or services during a period of uncertainty or economic downturn, only to increase their purchases once the situation improves. This can lead to a surge in demand for certain products or services, resulting in higher sales and revenue for businesses.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people postponed buying big-ticket items such as cars, vacations, and home renovations due to financial uncertainty and lockdown restrictions. As the situation started to improve and restrictions were lifted, there was a sudden spike in demand for these products and services as consumers rushed to make purchases they had put off.

This pent-up demand can have a significant impact on businesses, allowing them to recover quickly and potentially exceed pre-pandemic sales levels. However, it can also lead to supply chain issues and shortages if businesses are caught off guard by the sudden increase in demand.

Overall, pent-up demand can be both a boon and a challenge for businesses, depending on how well they are able to anticipate and respond to changing consumer behavior.

For more information on pent-up demand, you can visit Wikipedia.