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Paid-Earned-Owned Model

The Paid-Earned-Owned model is a marketing framework that categorizes media and communication channels based on who controls the content and the level of influence each channel has on consumers.

Paid Media

Paid media refers to advertising channels where a company pays to have its message displayed. This includes traditional advertising such as TV commercials, print ads, and online display ads. Examples of paid media include sponsored social media posts, paid search ads, and influencer partnerships.

Earned Media

Earned media is media exposure that a company earns through word-of-mouth, PR efforts, and organic social media mentions. This type of media is often viewed as more trustworthy and credible by consumers. Examples of earned media include media coverage, viral social media posts, and customer reviews.

Owned Media

Owned media refers to channels that a company controls and creates content for. This includes websites, social media profiles, and email newsletters. Examples of owned media include blog posts, social media updates, and product pages on a company’s website.

By utilizing all three types of media in a cohesive strategy, companies can reach consumers at different touchpoints in their buyer’s journey and build a stronger brand presence.

For more information on the Paid-Earned-Owned model, visit Wikipedia.