Paid-Earned-Owned Model

The Paid-Earned-Owned Model of Digital Marketing

The paid-earned-owned model of digital marketing is a tool used by marketers to create an effective digital marketing strategy. It helps the marketer to decide which channels to invest in and how to allocate their budget for the best possible return.


Paid digital marketing is any form of advertisement for which a fee is paid. This includes digital campaigns such as search engine marketing, social media advertising, display advertising, and influencer marketing. Paid digital marketing is used to reach a wider audience and drive more qualified leads.


Earned digital marketing is when customers or prospects share content that’s been created or shared by the brand. This includes content posted on social media, reviews, or word-of-mouth recommendations. Earned digital marketing is a great way to build credibility and trust as it comes from an unbiased third-party source.


Owned digital marketing is any content created and owned by the brand, such as websites, blogs, or videos. This is a great way to build brand awareness and connect with customers. Owned digital marketing also allows for more creative freedom, as the brand can control the message and the content.


The paid-earned-owned model of digital marketing is a great tool for marketers to use when creating an effective digital marketing strategy. By understanding the different types of digital marketing, marketers can allocate their budget and resources in the most effective way.
