Accidental sample

What is an Accidental Sample?

Accidental samples are data collected for a certain purpose, but which can also be used for a different purpose than the initial one. Accidental samples can be extremely useful for researchers, as they provide insight into a population or phenomenon that was not initially intended.

Examples of Accidental Samples

Accidental samples can be found in a variety of contexts. Here are some examples of accidental samples:

  • Data collected for a certain health study may reveal new insights about a different health condition.
  • Data collected for a certain survey may reveal new insights about a different population.
  • Data collected for a certain research project may reveal new insights about a different phenomenon.
  • Data collected for a certain experiment may reveal new insights about a different process.

Benefits of Accidental Samples

Accidental samples can provide a great opportunity for researchers to uncover new information about a population or phenomenon that was not initially intended to be studied. They can save time and resources for researchers, since the data is already collected and can be used for a different purpose. Accidental samples can also provide more reliable results since the data is already collected and can be used in a more consistent manner.


Accidental samples can be extremely useful for researchers, as they provide insight into a population or phenomenon that was not initially intended. They can save time and resources for researchers, and can provide more reliable results. For further reading: