What is an Ad ID?

Ad ID is a unique identifier used to track advertising campaigns. It enables advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns, analyze user engagement, and optimize their ads for better performance. Ad IDs are typically generated by a third-party ad server and then incorporated into the ad code of the advertisement.

How Does an Ad ID Work?

An Ad ID is used to keep track of a particular advertisement. When a user visits a web page, the Ad ID is sent to the ad server, which then sends the ad to the user’s browser. The Ad ID is then used to measure the performance of the ad, such as how many people viewed it and how many times it was clicked on.

What Are the Benefits of Using an Ad ID?

Using an Ad ID has several benefits for advertisers:

  • More accurate tracking of ad performance, allowing advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.
  • Better targeting of ads, as advertisers can track user engagement and optimize their ads for better performance.
  • Ability to track user behavior across different devices, enabling advertisers to create more personalized and effective ad campaigns.


Ad IDs are an essential tool for advertisers who want to measure and optimize their ad campaigns for better performance. By using an Ad ID, advertisers can gain insights into user behavior and more accurately target their ads. References
