Additional markdown

## Additional Markdown Markdown is a lightweight markup language popularly used for plain text formatting. It was created with the goal of making it easier to write and read content online. Markdown is often used on websites and in documentation systems, and is becoming increasingly popular for writing and formatting emails. It is a great tool for quickly and easily creating readable, structured content. In addition to the core markdown syntax, there are several “additional markdown” formats that are supported by many markdown implementations. Here are some of the most commonly used ones: – **Headers** – Headers can be used to create structured documents, and are created by adding a pound sign (`#`) followed by a space before the header text. The more pound signs you use, the lower the header level. – **Links** – Links can be created by wrapping the link text in brackets (`[` and `]`) and then adding the URL in parentheses (`(` and `)`). – **Images** – Images can be added to a document by using an exclamation point (`!`) followed by the image link in brackets (`[` and `]`). – **Lists** – Lists can be created using asterisks (`*`), hyphens (`-`), or plus signs (`+`) followed by a space and the list item. – **Blockquotes** – Blockquotes can be created by using a greater-than symbol (`>`) before the quote. – **Code** – Code can be included by wrapping it in three backticks (“`). Using these additional markdown formats, you can quickly and easily create structured documents that are easy to read and understand. For more information about markdown, check out the [GitHub Markdown Guide](, or the [CommonMark Spec](