Branding, generic

What Is Branding?

Branding is the process of creating and establishing a particular image or identity for a company, product or service. It is used to differentiate one company from another, and to create a distinct identity for the company, product or service. Branding is more than just a logo, slogan or tagline; it is the sum total of all the experiences a customer has with a company, product or service.

What Is Generic Branding?

Generic branding is the opposite of strong, unique branding. It is the process of creating a generic, non-distinctive identity for a company, product or service. Generic branding is used when a company has little to no brand recognition, and is seen as a way to build awareness before investing in more distinct branding.

Examples Of Generic Branding

Generic branding can take many forms, including:

  • Generic logos or slogans: A logo or slogan that is simple, plain or basic and does not stand out from the competition.
  • Generic colors or images: Colors or images that are commonly used in branding and do not stand out from the competition.
  • Generic fonts: Fonts that are commonly used in branding and do not stand out from the competition.
  • Generic taglines: Taglines that are simple, plain or basic and do not stand out from the competition.
  • Generic messaging: Messaging that is simple, plain or basic and does not stand out from the competition.

Benefits Of Generic Branding

Generic branding has a number of benefits, including:

  • Cost savings: Generic branding is often less expensive than distinct branding, as the company does not have to invest in creating a unique identity.
  • Flexibility: Generic branding gives companies more flexibility to experiment and try out different branding before committing to a distinct identity.
  • Ease of use: Generic branding is often easier to use and apply than distinct branding, as there is no need to create a unique identity.

Generic branding is often used as the starting point for companies that have little to no brand recognition. It can be used to build awareness before investing in more distinct branding.


Branding is the process of creating and establishing a particular image or identity for a company, product or service. Generic branding is the opposite of strong, distinct branding and is used when a company has little to no brand recognition. Generic branding has a number of benefits, including cost savings, flexibility and ease of use.
