Channel of distribution

What is a Channel of Distribution?

A channel of distribution is the path a product takes when it moves from its source to the consumer. It is made up of a series of institutions, intermediaries and activities that are required to move the goods from the producer to the consumer. It is also known as a marketing channel or a distribution channel.

Types of Channels of Distribution

There are three main types of channels of distribution:

  • Direct Channel: This type of channel involves the producer selling directly to the consumer, without the use of any intermediaries. This is often done through online platforms, such as an e-commerce website.
  • Indirect Channel: This is the most common type of channel, and involves the use of intermediaries, such as retailers, wholesalers, and distributors. The intermediaries help to get the product to the consumer in an efficient manner.
  • Hybrid Channel: This type of channel combines the direct and indirect channels, by using both intermediaries and direct selling. This is often done through the use of a combination of online and offline sales channels.

Benefits of Channels of Distribution

Using a channel of distribution can be beneficial to both the producer and the consumer. Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased reach – By using intermediaries, producers can reach a larger consumer base, as the intermediaries have access to a larger consumer market.
  • Cost savings – Producers can save on costs by using intermediaries, as they do not have to bear the cost of marketing and distribution.
  • Ease of access – Intermediaries make it easier for consumers to access the product, as they are located in convenient locations, making it easier for consumers to purchase the product.


Channels of distribution are an important part of the marketing process, as they allow producers to reach a larger consumer base, while also providing cost savings and ease of access. By understanding the different types of channels of distribution, producers can create a successful marketing strategy. Relevant Links: