
What is a Driver?

A driver is a type of software that enables a computer to communicate with a peripheral device. It acts as an intermediary between the device and the operating system, allowing the two to communicate. Drivers typically come pre-installed with a computer’s operating system, but can also be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website or a third-party software site.

Types of Drivers

There are a number of different types of drivers, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Device drivers – enable communication between the device and the operating system.
  • Network drivers – enable communication between the computer and other devices on a network.
  • Printer drivers – enable a printer to communicate with a computer.
  • Graphics drivers – enable a computer to display graphics on a monitor or other display device.
  • Audio drivers – enable a computer to output sound from a speaker or headphone.

Updating Drivers

It is important to keep drivers up-to-date to ensure optimal performance and security. Newer versions of drivers can often contain bug fixes, improved compatibility with other devices, and improved performance. Drivers can be updated manually or automatically. To update manually, the user must download the latest version of the driver from the manufacturer’s website and install it. To update automatically, the user can use a driver updating tool, which will search for and download the latest version of the driver.


Drivers are essential for a computer to properly communicate with its peripheral devices. It is important to keep drivers up-to-date to ensure optimal performance and security.Device Driver Driver Updater Device Driver Synthesis