Early majority

The Early Majority

The Early Majority are a group of people who adopt new technology and products after the innovators and early adopters, but before the late majority. They are an important segment when it comes to the success of an innovation or product.

Characteristics of the Early Majority

The Early Majority are those who are:

  • Risk-averse
  • Analytical
  • Price sensitive
  • Tend to wait for others to adopt before they do

This group is typically made up of people in the middle or upper-middle classes who are more conservative in their technology adoption. They are looking for value, performance and reliability.

Why are the Early Majority Important?

The Early Majority is an important segment when it comes to the success of an innovation or product. This is because they are more likely to take on the risk of trying something new and this can help to spread the word and create buzz around the product or innovation. The Early Majority is also important because they spend more time researching and evaluating the product or innovation before they make a decision. This can lead to more informed decisions and better customer satisfaction.

Examples of the Early Majority

The Early Majority is often made up of people who are looking for value, performance and reliability. Examples include people who purchase the latest smartphone or tablet, those who use online banking or those who buy the latest appliances.


The Early Majority is an important segment of the population when it comes to the success of an innovation or product. They are risk-averse, analytical and price sensitive, and they take more time to research and evaluate before making a decision. Examples of the Early Majority include people who purchase the latest smartphone or tablet, those who use online banking or those who buy the latest appliances.
