Extensible markup language

What is Extensible Markup Language (XML)?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language used to store and transport data. It is similar to HTML, but it is not limited to displaying information in a web browser. XML enables developers to create their own markup language to describe data, and it can be extended to meet their specific needs.

How Does XML Work?

XML documents are composed of elements, which are composed of tags and attributes. Tags are the parts of the document that contain the data, while attributes provide additional information about the data. XML documents are in a tree structure, and each element can contain other elements.

Examples of XML

XML can be used to store many kinds of data, from books to medical records. Here are some examples of XML documents:

  • An e-commerce website can use XML to store customer information, product information, and order information.
  • A newspaper can use XML to store articles and images.
  • A medical office can use XML to store patient records.
  • A library can use XML to store book catalogs.

Benefits of XML

XML has many advantages over other data formats, such as:

  • Flexibility: XML can be used to store and transport data of any type.
  • Extensibility: XML can be extended to meet the specific needs of developers.
  • Portability: XML documents can be easily shared between different systems.
  • Efficiency: XML documents are easy to parse and process.

XML is a powerful tool for storing and transporting data, and it is becoming increasingly popular among developers.
