Gateway page

What is a Gateway Page?

A gateway page, also known as an entry page, is a web page that acts as an entry point to a website. It is the first page visitors see when they enter a website and typically contains links to other pages within the website. Gateway pages often serve as a navigation tool, allowing visitors to access different pages of a website quickly and easily.

Benefits of Gateway Pages

Gateway pages offer many benefits, including:

  • Increased visibility: Gateway pages ensure that your website is easy to find and navigate, making it easier for visitors to find the information they are looking for.
  • Better user experience: Gateway pages provide visitors with an easy way to access other pages of your website. This improves the overall user experience and makes it easier for visitors to find the information they need.
  • Improved SEO: By providing quick access to other pages of your site, gateway pages can help improve your website’s SEO and rankings on search engines.

Examples of Gateway Pages

Gateway pages can take many forms, depending on the needs of the website. Here are some examples of gateway pages:

  • Landing pages: Landing pages are designed to provide visitors with an overview of a website and its offerings. They often contain links to other pages within the website.
  • Product pages: Product pages are designed to showcase a particular product or service. They often contain links to other pages related to the product or service.
  • Portal pages: Portal pages are designed to provide visitors with access to multiple websites or services. They often contain links to other websites or services.


Gateway pages are an essential part of any website. They provide visitors with an easy way to access other pages of the website and can help improve a website’s visibility and user experience.

Further Reading