Generic strategies

Generic Strategies

Generic strategies are a set of general strategies that a company can use to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The concept was popularized by Michael Porter in his book Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. The three types of generic strategies are cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.

Cost Leadership

A cost leadership strategy is one way a company can gain a competitive advantage. This type of strategy involves being the low-cost producer in an industry. This means producing products at a lower cost than competitors while maintaining a reasonable profit margin. Companies that use a cost leadership strategy focus on reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Examples of companies that have successfully implemented a cost leadership strategy include Walmart, Amazon, and Dell.


A differentiation strategy involves creating a product or service that is unique in some way. This could be in terms of features, design, or quality. Companies that use a differentiation strategy focus on providing products or services that are superior to those of their competitors. Examples of companies that have successfully implemented a differentiation strategy include Apple, BMW, and Starbucks.


A focus strategy involves focusing on a specific market or segment. Companies that use a focus strategy target a specific market or segment and offer products or services tailored to that market or segment. This allows them to gain a competitive advantage by being able to better meet the needs of that market or segment. Examples of companies that have successfully implemented a focus strategy include Nike, Ikea, and Toyota. Generic strategies can be a powerful tool for companies to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. By understanding the different types of strategies and which one is best suited for their business, companies can create a strategy that will help them stay ahead of their competitors.
