Green River ordinance

Green River Ordinance – A Brief Overview

Green River Ordinance is a type of local regulation that establishes the limits and restrictions for development activities in a specific geographic area. It is typically used by local governments to protect the environment, public health, and public safety from activities such as logging, mining, or construction. Green River Ordinance is typically adopted by local governments and is legally enforceable.

What is included in a Green River Ordinance?

A Green River Ordinance typically includes provisions related to:

  • Land use
  • Water resources
  • Air quality
  • Noise levels
  • Soil erosion
  • Hazardous materials
  • Public safety
  • Public health

The specifics of the ordinance may vary from one local government to another, as each local government has its own set of regulations and goals.

Benefits of a Green River Ordinance

Green River Ordinance provides many benefits, such as:

  • Protecting the environment: Green River Ordinance limits activities that could potentially damage the environment, such as logging and mining.
  • Preserving public health and safety: Green River Ordinance can limit activities that could potentially harm public health and safety, such as construction or hazardous material storage.
  • Promoting sustainable development: Green River Ordinance can help ensure that development activities are conducted in a sustainable manner that is conscious of the environment and the public.


Green River Ordinance is an important tool for local governments to protect the environment, public health, and public safety. It can help ensure that development activities are conducted in a sustainable manner that is conscious of the environment and the public.
