Hedonistic consumption

What is Hedonistic Consumption?

Hedonistic consumption is a type of consumer behaviour which is driven by the pursuit of pleasure and immediate gratification. It is the idea that people are motivated to purchase items that bring them joy and pleasure, rather than those which are necessary for survival or for fulfilling basic needs. Hedonistic consumption is often associated with luxury goods, which are seen as status symbols and provide an instant gratification to the consumer.

Examples of Hedonistic Consumption

Examples of hedonistic consumption include:

  • Buying designer clothing and accessories.
  • Purchasing luxury cars.
  • Going on expensive holidays.
  • Spending money on recreational activities.
  • Purchasing expensive jewellery and watches.

These types of purchases are often driven by the desire to achieve a sense of status and satisfaction, rather than the need to fill a practical need.

Implications of Hedonistic Consumption

Hedonistic consumption has both positive and negative implications for society. On one hand, it can create jobs and boost the economy by increasing demand for luxury goods and services. On the other hand, it can be detrimental to society as it encourages people to use their limited resources on items that are not essential for survival. In addition, it can create a sense of envy and competition between people, leading to further social issues.


Hedonistic consumption is a type of consumer behaviour which is driven by the pursuit of pleasure and immediate gratification. It can have both positive and negative implications for society, and is often associated with luxury goods and services.
