HTML tags

What are HTML Tags?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to structure and format web pages. HTML tags are the basic building blocks of HTML. They are used to define the structure of webpages and to add content to them.

Types of HTML Tags

There are many different types of HTML tags. Here are some of the most common types:

  • Heading tags – used to create headings and subheadings on webpages.
  • Paragraph tags – used to create paragraphs and other text elements.
  • List tags – used to create lists, such as numbered and unordered lists.
  • Image tags – used to add images to webpages.
  • Link tags – used to create hyperlinks.
  • Table tags – used to create tables and organize content on webpages.
  • Form tags – used to create forms, such as search forms and contact forms.

Examples of HTML Tags

Here are some examples of HTML tags and how they are used:

  • – used to create a heading on a web page.
  • – used to create a paragraph on a web page.

– used to create an unordered list on a web page. – used to add an image to a web page. – used to create a hyperlink on a web page.

– used to create a table on a web page. – used to create a form on a web page.


HTML tags are an essential part of web development and are used to structure and format webpages. There are many different types of HTML tags, and each one is used for different purposes. Examples of HTML tags include heading tags, paragraph tags, list tags, image tags, link tags, table tags and form tags. For more information on HTML tags and how to use them, please visit the following websites: