Impulse buying

What is Impulse Buying?

Impulse buying is defined as an unplanned purchase of a product or service, usually made in response to a sudden or strong urge. These purchases are usually made without much thought or planning, and often occur when a person is highly emotional or feeling impulsive. Impulse buying is a common behavior among consumers and is often seen as a form of retail therapy.

What are the Factors Influencing Impulse Buying?

There are several factors that influence impulse buying, including:

  • The price of the item and its perceived value
  • The influence of family, friends, and peers
  • The person’s psychological state, such as feeling happy or angry
  • The availability of time to compare prices and products
  • The environment where the purchase is made, such as a shopping mall or an online store
  • The level of consumer knowledge about products and services

Examples of Impulse Buying

Impulse buying can take many forms. Examples of impulse buying include:

  • Buying a new outfit on a whim when walking through the mall
  • Picking up a new book when browsing a bookstore
  • Purchasing a new phone when on vacation
  • Going out for a meal after seeing a restaurant advertisement
  • Buying a new pair of shoes on impulse at a store
  • Purchasing an item from an online store without researching it first

Impulse buying is a behavior that can have both positive and negative consequences. For some people, it can be a way to treat themselves or reward themselves for a job well done. For others, it can be a way to alleviate stress or boredom. However, it can also lead to regret and financial strain if the person is not careful.


Impulse buying is a behavior that has been studied extensively by psychologists and marketing professionals. It is an important factor in understanding consumer behavior and can be influenced by a variety of factors. Understanding the motivations behind impulse buying can help people make smarter shopping decisions and keep their finances in check.
