Keyword stemming

What is keyword stemming?

Keyword stemming is a technique used to identify and extract the root form of a word, usually for the purpose of search engine optimization (SEO). The purpose of keyword stemming is to reduce the number of terms used in a search query, thus improving the relevancy of the search results. For example, if a user searches for “dog” they will be presented with results related to “dogs”, “dogging” and “dogged”.

How does keyword stemming work?

Keyword stemming works by removing certain suffixes, prefixes and inflections from a given word. For example, “dogs” would be stemmed to “dog”, “dogging” to “dog” and “dogged” to “dog”. Similarly, “running” would be stemmed to “run” and “ran” to “run”. This helps to reduce the number of terms used in a search query and, in turn, improves the relevancy of the search results.

Benefits of keyword stemming

Keyword stemming offers a number of benefits for search engine optimization.

  • Improves relevancy: By reducing the number of terms used in a search query, keyword stemming improves the relevancy of the search results.
  • Reduces the amount of content: By using keyword stemming, webmasters can reduce the amount of content they need to produce.
  • Helps with keyword research: Keyword stemming can also be used to identify related terms and phrases, which can be useful for keyword research.


Keyword stemming is a powerful technique that can be used to improve the relevancy of search results and reduce the amount of content that needs to be produced. It is a valuable tool for webmasters and should be included in any SEO strategy.Further reading: