One-hundred-percent location

What is a One-Hundred-Percent Location?

A one-hundred-percent location is a business location that is totally owned, operated, and managed by a single company. This type of location is most commonly seen in franchises, such as fast food restaurants, retail stores, and gas stations. The goal of a one-hundred-percent location is to create a uniform customer experience that can be replicated across multiple locations.

Benefits of One-Hundred-Percent Locations

The primary benefit of a one-hundred-percent location is that the business can maintain a certain level of control and consistency throughout their locations. This helps to ensure that customers receive the same quality of service and product regardless of their location. It also eliminates the need for business owners to train each separate franchise owner on how to properly operate the business. Other benefits of a one-hundred-percent location include:

  • Increased brand recognition
  • Improved customer loyalty
  • Reduced costs
  • Increased efficiency

Drawbacks of One-Hundred-Percent Locations

The main drawback of a one-hundred-percent location is that it can be difficult to maintain uniform standards across multiple locations. This can lead to inconsistencies in service, product quality, and customer experience. Additionally, the business may not be able to take advantage of certain local opportunities that could be beneficial to their overall success.

Examples of One-Hundred-Percent Locations

Some of the most common examples of one-hundred-percent locations include McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Walmart. All of these businesses have a large number of locations that are owned and operated by the company itself. This allows them to maintain a certain level of control and consistency across all of their locations.


One-hundred-percent locations are a great way for businesses to maintain consistency across multiple locations and ensure a high-quality customer experience. However, it can be difficult to maintain uniform standards across multiple locations, and businesses may miss out on certain local opportunities. For more information on one-hundred-percent locations, see Advantages of One-Hundred-Percent Locations and What is a One-Hundred-Percent Location?.