
What is a Sample?

A sample is a subset of a population. It is a representative group of individuals, objects, or items that are selected from a larger population for the purpose of analysis. Sampling is used to determine the characteristics of a population, as it is not feasible to measure the entire population.

Types of Sampling

There are several types of sampling that can be used depending on the research question or context. These include:

  • Simple Random Sampling – A simple random sample is a subset of a population in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
  • Stratified Sampling – Stratified sampling is a form of sampling in which the population is divided into subgroups (strata) based on certain characteristics. The sample is then selected from each stratum.
  • Cluster Sampling – Cluster sampling is a form of sampling in which the population is divided into clusters or groups. A sample is then selected from each cluster.
  • Systematic Sampling – Systematic sampling is a form of sampling in which members of the population are selected at regular intervals or according to some predetermined rule.
  • Convenience Sampling – Convenience sampling is a form of sampling in which members of the population are selected based on their availability or convenience.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sampling

Sampling can be a useful method of data collection, but it also has some drawbacks. The advantages of sampling include:

  • It is more cost-effective than collecting data from the entire population.
  • It is time-efficient and can be used when a large amount of data needs to be collected quickly.
  • It can be used to study a population that is otherwise difficult to reach or inaccessible.
  • It can provide a more accurate representation of the population than non-sampling methods.

The disadvantages of sampling include:

  • The sample may not be representative of the population if it is not selected properly.
  • The sample size may be too small to provide reliable results.
  • The results may be biased if the researcher does not use an appropriate sampling method.
  • It can be difficult to collect data from a sample, especially if the population is spread out geographically.

Sampling is a useful tool for collecting data, but it is important to select the appropriate method for the research context.


Sampling is a useful method of data collection that can provide a representative sample of a population. However, it is important to select an appropriate sampling method and ensure that the sample is representative of the population. For more information on sampling, please refer to the following resources: