
Tactics: A Comprehensive Guide

Tactics are the strategies and techniques used by military, business, or other organizations in order to achieve their goals and objectives. Tactics are often divided into two broad categories: offensive and defensive. In the military context, tactics involve the planning and execution of operations on or near the battlefield in order to gain an advantage over an enemy. In a business context, tactics are the actions taken to achieve a desired outcome, such as marketing campaigns, product launches, or customer service initiatives.

Offensive Tactics

Offensive tactics are those that attempt to gain an advantage over an opponent. Examples of offensive tactics include surprise attacks, flanking maneuvers, and feints. A surprise attack is an attack launched without the enemy being aware of it. This can be done by launching a surprise attack at an unexpected time or place. Flanking maneuvers involve attacking the enemy from multiple directions at once, in order to overwhelm them. Feints are tactics that involve using a false attack to draw out the enemy and then attacking them from a different direction.

Defensive Tactics

Defensive tactics are those that are used to prevent the enemy from taking advantage. Examples of defensive tactics include fortifications, entrenchments, and blocking maneuvers. Fortifications are defensive structures built to protect troops from enemy attacks. Entrenchments are defensive trenches and walls that are dug to protect troops from enemy fire. Blocking maneuvers involve blocking the enemy’s advance with obstacles or forces.


Tactics are essential to success in any military, business, or other organizational endeavor. Knowing when and how to use various tactics is a key factor in achieving desired results. It is important to understand the difference between offensive and defensive tactics, and to use the right tactics at the right time.
