Unit share of requirements

What is Unit Share of Requirements?

Unit Share of Requirements (USR) is a metric used to measure and compare the relative contribution of each unit to a project’s requirements. USR is used to help determine the amount of resources, time and effort needed for each unit to meet the project’s objectives. It also helps identify where additional resources may be needed or where resources can be reduced.

How is Unit Share of Requirements Calculated?

USR is calculated by dividing the number of requirements for each unit by the total number of requirements for the entire project. This gives the relative contribution of each unit to the project.

Examples of Unit Share of Requirements

  • A software project may have 10 requirements, with Unit A responsible for 5 of them and Unit B responsible for the other 5. This would mean that Unit A has a USR of 50% and Unit B has a USR of 50%.
  • A construction project may have 100 requirements, with Unit A responsible for 40 of them and Unit B responsible for the other 60. This would mean that Unit A has a USR of 40% and Unit B has a USR of 60%.


USR is a useful metric for measuring and comparing the relative contribution of each unit to a project’s requirements. It helps to identify where additional resources may be needed or where resources can be reduced, enabling projects to be completed in a timely and cost-effective manner.
