URL forwarding

What is URL Forwarding?

URL forwarding is a technique used to redirect a web page to another page. It is an effective way to keep visitors informed about where a page has been moved to, and also to simplify a URL for easier sharing.

Types of URL Forwarding

URL forwarding can be broadly divided into two types: permanent URL forwarding and temporary URL forwarding.

Permanent URL Forwarding

Permanent URL forwarding is used to make a web page available at multiple URLs. This is often done to make a web page easier to remember or share. For example, if a website wants to make a web page available at both “example.com” and “example.org”, they can set up a permanent URL forwarding so that both URLs point to the same web page.

Temporary URL Forwarding

Temporary URL forwarding is used to temporarily redirect a web page to another page. This is often used when a web page has been moved or is temporarily unavailable. For example, if a web page has been moved from “example.com/page1” to “example.com/page2”, a temporary URL forwarding can be set up so that visitors who type in “example.com/page1” will be redirected to “example.com/page2” instead.

Benefits of URL Forwarding

URL forwarding has several benefits:

  • It simplifies URLs for easier sharing.
  • It allows web pages to be available at multiple URLs.
  • It keeps visitors informed when a page is moved or unavailable.
  • It improves SEO by redirecting traffic to the correct page.

URL forwarding is an effective way to keep visitors informed and simplify URLs for easier sharing.


URL forwarding is a useful technique for redirecting web pages to other pages. It can be used to simplify URLs for easier sharing and to keep visitors informed when a page is moved or unavailable. Wikipedia – URL redirection Wikipedia – Domain forwardingWikipedia – HTTP 302