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Bait and switch

Bait and switch is a deceptive marketing tactic where a customer is lured in with an attractive offer, only to be presented with a less desirable alternative once they are committed. This practice is considered unethical and can damage a company’s reputation.

For example, a furniture store may advertise a sofa at a very low price to attract customers. However, when a customer arrives at the store, they are told that the advertised sofa is out of stock and are pressured into purchasing a more expensive alternative.

Another common example is in the travel industry, where a hotel may advertise a room at a discounted rate. Upon arrival, the customer is informed that the room is not available and is offered a more expensive room instead.

It is important for consumers to be vigilant and skeptical of too-good-to-be-true deals to avoid falling victim to bait and switch tactics.

Remember: If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.

For more information on bait and switch, you can visit Wikipedia.