302 Redirect

What is a 302 Redirect?

A 302 redirect is a response code used by web server to indicate that a requested page has been temporarily moved to a different URL. It is an HTTP status code that tells browsers and search engines that the page they are looking for has been moved temporarily. When a browser or search engine visits a website, it receives an HTTP response code. This response code indicates whether the page was found (200 status code), the page was moved permanently (301 status code) or the page was moved temporarily (302 status code).

Why Use a 302 Redirect?

There are several reasons why a website owner might use a 302 redirect:

  • To temporarily move a page or post to a new URL while the original page or post is being updated.
  • To direct visitors to a specific page or post for a limited time.
  • To test a new page or post without permanently affecting the original page or post.

How to Implement a 302 Redirect

Implementing a 302 redirect is relatively easy. The process involves setting up a redirect on the server level or using a plugin or code snippet.

  • If you’re using an Apache server, you can add a line of code to the .htaccess file to set up the redirect.
  • If you’re using a WordPress site, you can use a plugin like Redirection or Simple 301 Redirects to set up the redirect.
  • If you’re using a different CMS or platform, you can add a code snippet to the page template to set up the redirect.


A 302 redirect is a useful tool for website owners who want to temporarily move a page or post to a new URL. It can also be used to direct visitors to a specific page or post for a limited time. Setting up a 302 redirect requires a line of code to be added to the .htaccess file (for Apache servers) or a plugin or code snippet to be added to the page template (for other platforms). Further Reading: