Activity quota

What is Activity Quota?

Activity quota is a form of performance evaluation used to measure the number of tasks a person is required to carry out or complete in a given timeframe. It is a way of measuring productivity and encourages employees to work efficiently and effectively. Activity quota can also be used to determine how much each employee contributes to the overall success of the organization.

Benefits of Activity Quota

Activity quota can be a valuable tool for employers as it helps to identify areas where employees are underperforming and can help managers hold employees accountable for their work. It also helps to identify individuals who are exceeding expectations and provides an incentive for employees to continue to strive for excellence. Some of the major benefits of activity quota include:

  • Encourages employees to work efficiently and effectively
  • Provides a clear way to measure employee productivity
  • Helps to identify areas where employees are underperforming
  • Identifies individuals who are exceeding expectations
  • Provides an incentive for employees to continue to strive for excellence

Examples of Activity Quota

Activity quota can be used in a variety of ways depending on the organization’s needs. Some examples include:

  • Number of sales calls made per day
  • Number of customer service emails answered per hour
  • Number of reports written per week
  • Number of products produced per month
  • Number of tasks completed per quarter

Activity quota can be a valuable tool for employers to ensure that their employees are working efficiently and effectively. It can also provide managers with a way to measure employee productivity and identify areas where employees are underperforming.


Activity quota is a powerful performance evaluation tool that can help employers measure employee productivity and identify areas where employees are underperforming. It can also provide an incentive for employees to continue striving for excellence. By setting clear goals and expectations, employers can ensure that their employees are working efficiently and effectively.
