Ad Call

What is an Ad Call?

An ad call is an advertising-related event that involves a group of people gathering to discuss, review, and/or critique an advertising campaign. Ad calls are most often used by corporations and advertising agencies to review and evaluate existing or proposed ad campaigns. They also can be used to brainstorm new ideas for campaigns.

How Does an Ad Call Work?

At an ad call, an advertising campaign is presented to a group of people, typically including executives from the company or agency, marketing experts, and other stakeholders. The group discusses the campaign, reviews the creative work, and provides feedback on what works and what needs to be improved. The goal is for the group to reach consensus on the campaign and come up with a plan of action for moving forward.

What Are the Benefits of an Ad Call?

Ad calls can be a great way to get feedback on an advertising campaign and ensure that it’s meeting the company’s objectives. Here are some of the benefits of an ad call:

  • Gathers diverse perspectives on the campaign.
  • Provides an objective assessment of the campaign.
  • Uncovers any potential problems with the campaign.
  • Can identify new opportunities for the campaign.
  • Gives everyone a chance to contribute their ideas.


Ad calls are a valuable tool for companies and agencies looking to get feedback on an advertising campaign. They provide an opportunity to get input from a diverse group of people and ensure that the campaign is meeting its objectives. AdvertisingAdvertising AgencyCreative Strategy in Advertising