Ad Tags

What are Ad Tags?

Ad tags are pieces of HTML code used in online advertising. They are used for tracking impressions, clicks, and other user interactions. Ad tags are embedded in webpages or digital emails, and when someone visits or interacts with the page, the ad tag code is triggered and a request for the ad is sent to the ad server. Ad tags help the ad server deliver the right ad to the right person.

Types of Ad Tags

Ad tags come in a variety of types and are used for different purposes. Here are some of the most common types of ad tags:

  • Impression tag: This tag is used to track the number of times an ad is viewed. It is usually placed on the page where the ad will be displayed.
  • Click tag: This tag is used to track the number of times an ad is clicked. It is usually placed in the ad itself and will redirect the user to the advertiser’s website.
  • Conversion tag: This tag is used to track the number of times an ad leads to a conversion, such as a sale or sign-up. It is usually placed on the confirmation page.
  • Retargeting tag: This tag is used to track users who have visited a website and then display ads to them on other websites. It is usually placed on the website itself.

Ad Tag Examples

Ad tags can be written in plain HTML code or using specific tags for different types of ad networks. Here are some examples of ad tags:

  • Google AdSense:
  • Facebook Ads:
  • DoubleClick:

Ad tags are an essential part of online advertising and are used to track and measure the performance of ads. They help advertisers deliver the right ads to the right people and measure the success of their campaigns. For more information, please refer to the following links: