Benefit approach

What is Benefit Approach?

Benefit approach is a way of thinking that focuses on the positive outcomes of a project, policy or decision. It is often used to assess the potential outcomes of a project or action, to identify and quantify potential benefits, and to help inform decisions and inform stakeholders. In other words, it’s a way of looking at a situation and considering what benefits could be gained from it.

Benefit Approach in Action

The benefit approach can be applied in a variety of ways. When making a decision, a benefit approach can help to identify the positive outcomes of a project or action and weigh these against the potential costs. It can also help to identify potential risks and identify solutions to mitigate these. For example, a company may be considering introducing a new technology system to increase efficiency. A benefit approach can help to weigh up the potential costs of the new system against the potential benefits that could be gained. It can also help to identify potential risks, such as the potential cost of the system, the need to train staff in its use, and the potential impact on customer service. Another example of benefit approach in action is in government policy, where it can be used to assess the potential costs and benefits of a policy or decision. For example, when introducing a new tax policy, a benefit approach can be used to identify the potential impact on businesses, the economy and the public.

Benefits of Benefit Approach

There are a number of benefits of using the benefit approach. By focusing on the positive outcomes of a project or decision, it can help to identify potential opportunities and solutions to problems. It can also help to identify potential risks and ensure that these are taken into account when making decisions. The benefit approach can also provide clarity and focus, by identifying the potential benefits of a decision or project and helping to inform decisions. It can also help to ensure that decisions are made in the best interests of stakeholders and the public, by considering the potential costs and benefits of a decision.


The benefit approach is a useful tool for assessing potential outcomes of a project, policy or decision. By focusing on the potential benefits of a project or decision, it can help to identify potential opportunities, risks and solutions. It can also provide clarity and focus, by helping to identify the potential costs and benefits of a decision or project. Relevant Links: