Block plan

What is a Block Plan?

A block plan is a type of course scheduling system where classes are scheduled in blocks of time that are longer than a traditional school day. The blocks are usually four to six hours long and may be scheduled for either one day a week or several days a week. The idea behind the block plan is to provide students with more in-depth instruction and allow them to delve deeper into their studies in a shorter amount of time.

Benefits of a Block Plan

There are several benefits to using a block plan. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • A stronger sense of community: When classes are scheduled in blocks, students spend more time in a given class, which allows them to develop stronger relationships with their peers and instructors.
  • More in-depth instruction: With longer blocks of time, instructors have more opportunity to delve deeper into the material, allowing students to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject.
  • More focused learning: With fewer classes scheduled in a given day, students can focus more on the classes they are taking and don’t have to worry about bouncing from one subject to the next.
  • More free time: With fewer classes scheduled in a given day, students have more time to pursue other interests or study for their classes.

Examples of Block Plan Schools

There are several colleges and universities that use a block plan as their primary course scheduling system. Here are a few examples:

  • The Colorado College: The Colorado College has been using a block plan since the 1970s and is considered one of the pioneers of the system. The school uses a 4×4 block plan, where classes are scheduled in four-hour blocks four days a week.
  • Goddard College: Goddard College is a liberal arts college in Vermont that uses a 6×3 block plan. Classes are scheduled in six-hour blocks three days a week.
  • Goucher College: Goucher College is a liberal arts college in Maryland that uses a 4×4 block plan. Classes are scheduled in four-hour blocks four days a week.


The block plan is an effective course scheduling system that allows students to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their studies in a shorter amount of time. It also helps to foster a stronger sense of community among students and instructors. If you’re considering a college or university that uses a block plan, be sure to research the school to make sure it’s the right fit for you.
