Center of influence method

What is the Center of Influence Method?

The Center of Influence method helps businesses to create and grow relationships with potential customers. It involves targeting influential people, or “Centers of Influence”, who have the potential to spread information about your business or products. This method of leveraging relationships can be a powerful way to reach potential customers and increase your reach.

How Does the Center of Influence Method Work?

The Center of Influence method works by targeting influential figures in your industry or niche. These people have many followers and are highly respected within their communities, making them ideal targets for businesses looking to increase their reach. The first step in this method is to identify these influential people. This can be done through research or by using various marketing tools. Once these people are identified, businesses can then reach out to them and ask for their help in spreading the word about their business or products.

Examples of Center of Influence Method

Here are some examples of how businesses can use the Center of Influence method:

  • Building relationships with influencers in your industry and asking them to share your business on their social media channels.
  • Creating partnerships with influencers and offering them incentives to promote your products.
  • Creating content that is directed towards these influencers and asking them to share it with their followers.
  • Identifying potential customers who are connected to these influencers and targeting them with relevant marketing campaigns.

Benefits of the Center of Influence Method

The Center of Influence method can be a powerful way to increase your reach and create buzz about your business or product. It can also help to build relationships with potential customers and influencers, which can lead to more sales and opportunities. Finally, it can help to create a more positive brand image, as influencers will be seen as endorsing your business or product.


The Center of Influence method can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase their reach and create relationships with potential customers. By identifying influential people in your industry and leveraging their relationships, businesses can spread the word about their products and services to a larger audience.

Further Reading