Concept evaluation

What is Concept Evaluation?

Concept evaluation is a process of assessing ideas and concepts in order to determine their feasibility and usefulness. It involves analyzing the concept’s objectives, identifying potential issues, and assessing the potential risks and benefits of pursuing the concept. The goal of concept evaluation is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a concept in order to determine if it is worth pursuing further.

Steps in Concept Evaluation

The process of concept evaluation involves the following steps:

  • Analyzing the concept’s objectives: Assessing the concept’s objectives will help you determine whether it is worth pursuing further. Ask yourself questions such as: What is the purpose of this concept? What is its goal? What needs does it address?
  • Identifying potential risks and benefits: Identifying potential risks and benefits associated with the concept will help you understand the potential implications of pursuing it. Ask yourself questions such as: What are the potential risks associated with pursuing the concept? What are the potential benefits?
  • Assessing feasibility: Assessing the concept’s feasibility will help you determine whether it is feasible to pursue. Ask yourself questions such as: Is the concept realistic? Do I have the resources to pursue it? Is the concept achievable?
  • Analyzing current market: Analyzing the current market conditions will help you determine whether the concept is viable in the current market. Ask yourself questions such as: Is the concept in line with current market trends? What opportunities does the current market offer for this concept?

Examples of Concept Evaluation

Concept evaluation is used in various industries, such as product design, software development, marketing, and finance. Here are some examples of concept evaluation:

  • Product design: Before launching a new product, companies often evaluate the concept to determine whether it is feasible and viable. This includes analyzing the concept’s objectives, identifying potential risks and benefits, and assessing the concept’s feasibility in the current market.
  • Software development: Before starting a software development project, companies often evaluate the concept to determine whether it is feasible and viable. This includes analyzing the concept’s objectives, identifying potential risks and benefits, and assessing the concept’s feasibility in the current market.
  • Marketing: Before launching a new marketing campaign, companies often evaluate the concept to determine whether it is feasible and viable. This includes analyzing the concept’s objectives, identifying potential risks and benefits, and assessing the concept’s feasibility in the current market.
  • Finance: Before investing in a new financial instrument, companies often evaluate the concept to determine whether it is feasible and viable. This includes analyzing the concept’s objectives, identifying potential risks and benefits, and assessing the concept’s feasibility in the current market.


Concept evaluation is an important process of assessing ideas and concepts in order to determine their feasibility and usefulness. By analyzing the concept’s objectives, identifying potential risks and benefits, and assessing the concept’s feasibility in the current market, companies can determine whether the concept is worth pursuing further. Relevant Links: