Conspicuous consumption

What is Conspicuous Consumption?

Conspicuous consumption is the purchase of goods and services for the purpose of displaying wealth, success, and status. It is a form of wastefulness, in which the buyer is more concerned with showing off their wealth than with obtaining any real value from the product or service. In order to be considered conspicuous consumption, the purchase must be visible to others, and it must be relatively more expensive than similar goods and services.

Examples of Conspicuous Consumption

Conspicuous consumption is a common occurrence in modern society. Here are some examples of conspicuous consumption:

  • Driving a luxury car to show off one’s wealth
  • Buying expensive clothing or jewelry to show off one’s success
  • Eating at expensive restaurants to show off one’s status
  • Purchasing designer handbags and other accessories
  • Buying a yacht or other luxurious items
  • Going on expensive vacations to show off one’s wealth

The Impact of Conspicuous Consumption

Conspicuous consumption can have a negative impact on society. Some people may feel pressure to buy expensive items in order to keep up with their peers, leading to increased levels of debt and financial instability. Additionally, wasteful spending on luxury items can contribute to greater inequality in society, as the wealthy are able to purchase more expensive items than those with lower incomes. The environmental impact of conspicuous consumption can also be significant. Many luxury items require a great deal of energy and resources to produce, and their production can contribute to climate change and pollution.


Conspicuous consumption is a common occurrence in modern society, and it is often motivated by a desire to show off one’s wealth, success, and status. While it may be tempting to purchase expensive items to keep up with one’s peers, it is important to consider the potential negative impacts of such consumer behavior.
