Contextual Targeting

What is Contextual Targeting?

Contextual targeting is a type of marketing strategy that involves targeting content to users based on their current context. By targeting content to users based on their personal interests, contextual targeting can help brands reach the right audience and drive higher engagement.

How Does Contextual Targeting Work?

Contextual targeting uses data from the user’s browsing history or other personal information to determine what type of content they are likely to interact with. For example, if a user has been researching new cars, then a contextual target might be to display an ad for a car dealership. By understanding the user’s context, brands can better target their content and ensure that it is more relevant to the user. This can help them build better relationships with their target audience and drive more conversions.

Examples of Contextual Targeting

There are a variety of ways to use contextual targeting. Here are a few examples:

  • Geo-targeting – Targeting content to users based on their location.
  • Keyword targeting – Targeting content to users based on the keywords they search for.
  • Interest-based targeting – Targeting content to users based on their interests or hobbies.
  • Behavioral targeting – Targeting content to users based on their past behavior.

Benefits of Contextual Targeting

Contextual targeting can help brands increase their reach and engagement. By targeting content to users based on their context, brands can ensure that their content is more relevant and engaging. This can help them build better relationships with their target audience and drive more conversions. In addition, contextual targeting can also help brands save time and money. By targeting content to users who are already interested in the topic, brands can reduce the amount of time and money they spend on content creation.


Contextual targeting is a powerful tool that can help brands reach the right audience and drive higher engagement. By targeting content to users based on their context, brands can ensure that their content is more relevant and engaging. This can help them build better relationships with their target audience and drive more conversions.
