Cumulative reach

What is Cumulative Reach?

Cumulative reach is a metric used in marketing and media analysis to measure the total number of people who are exposed to a particular advertisement, content, product or brand over a period of time. It is used to gauge the effectiveness of a marketing campaign and to determine the total number of people who have seen a message.

How is Cumulative Reach Calculated?

Cumulative reach is calculated by taking the total number of impressions created by a particular campaign or message and dividing it by the total number of unique people who have seen the message. The resulting number is the reach percentage which represents the total number of people who have been exposed to the campaign.

What are the Benefits of Cumulative Reach?

1. It helps to measure the success of a marketing campaign. 2. It helps to understand how many people have seen a message and how many of them have taken action. 3. It helps to identify target audiences and measure the effectiveness of different messages. 4. It helps to understand how many people have seen a message and how many of them have taken action. 5. It helps to understand the effectiveness of different channels used to reach the target audience.

Examples of Cumulative Reach

1. A company launches a series of television commercials to promote their new product. The cumulative reach of the campaign can be calculated by taking the total number of impressions created by the commercials and dividing it by the total number of unique people who have seen the commercials. 2. A company launches a digital marketing campaign to promote their new product. The cumulative reach of the campaign can be calculated by taking the total number of impressions created by the campaign and dividing it by the total number of unique people who have seen the messages.


Cumulative reach is an important metric used to measure the success of a marketing campaign and to understand how many people have seen a message and how many of them have taken action. It helps to identify target audiences and measure the effectiveness of different messages and channels.


Cumulative Reach Cumulative Reach Definition Reach & Frequency Metrics: What They Are and Examples