Delivered price

What is Delivered Price?

Delivered price is the total cost of a product or service, including all applicable taxes, shipping, and other associated costs. It is sometimes referred to as the “landed cost” or “all-in price”, as it reflects the total amount that the customer will pay for the item or service. Knowing the delivered price upfront is essential for managing budget and cash flow, as well as for making informed purchasing decisions.

Examples of Delivered Price

Here are some examples of delivered price:

  • The total cost of a new laptop, including taxes, shipping, and any other associated fees.
  • The cost of an oil change at a local auto shop, including all taxes, fees, and other charges.
  • The total cost of a new pair of shoes, including shipping and handling.

Benefits of Knowing Delivered Price

Knowing the delivered price of goods and services can be beneficial in a number of ways. For example:

  • Budgeting: Knowing the delivered price of goods and services allows for more accurate budgeting.
  • Cash Flow: Delivered price can help to ensure that cash flow is managed effectively.
  • Purchasing Decisions: Delivered price can provide a better understanding of the total cost of an item or service, which can help inform purchasing decisions.


Delivered price is the total cost of a product or service, including all applicable taxes, shipping, and other associated costs. Knowing the delivered price upfront is essential for managing budget and cash flow, as well as for making informed purchasing decisions. For more information on delivered price and how it can benefit your business, please visit the following resources: