
What is Frequency?

Frequency is the rate of occurrence of a given event per unit of time. It is used to measure how often something happens over a given period of time. Frequency is usually expressed in hertz (Hz), which is the number of occurrences per second. Frequency can also be expressed in a variety of other units such as revolutions per minute (rpm), cycles per second (cps), radians per second (rps), and more.

Examples of Frequency

Frequency is used in many different fields and contexts. Some common examples include:

  • Sound waves: Sound waves are measured in hertz (Hz) and are typically in the audible range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
  • Light waves: Light waves are measured in terms of frequency, which is measured in hertz (Hz) and can range from infrared light with a frequency of 400,000,000 GHz to gamma rays with a frequency of 10^20 Hz.
  • Electrical signals: Electrical signals are measured in hertz (Hz) and can range from very low frequencies (1 Hz) to extremely high frequencies (1 GHz).
  • Radio waves: Radio waves are measured in hertz (Hz) and can range from very low frequencies (3 kHz) to extremely high frequencies (300 GHz).
  • Atomic particles: Atomic particles are measured in terms of frequency and can range from very low frequencies (10^-22 Hz) to extremely high frequencies (10^20 Hz).


Frequency is an important concept in many different fields, from sound waves to electrical signals to atomic particles. Frequency is used to measure how often something happens over a given period of time and is usually expressed in hertz (Hz). Knowing how to measure frequency is important for understanding the behavior of various systems and is used in many different contexts.Relevant Links
