
What is Geo-Conquesting?

Geo-conquesting is a powerful marketing tool that uses geofencing technology to target consumers in a specific geographic area. In simple terms, geo-conquesting is a form of location-based marketing that allows businesses to target potential customers that are located near their competitors. With geo-conquesting, businesses are able to customize their marketing campaigns to reach consumers in the areas where their competitors are located.

Benefits of Geo-Conquesting

Geo-conquesting is an effective way for businesses to gain more customers and stay ahead of their competition. Here are some of the benefits of geo-conquesting:

  • Targeted Reach: Geo-conquesting allows businesses to target potential customers that are already in the vicinity of their competitors. This allows businesses to reach customers who are already interested in their competitors’ products or services.
  • Timely Messages: Geo-conquesting allows businesses to send timely messages to their target audience, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of their messages.
  • Cost-Effective: Geo-conquesting is a cost-effective way for businesses to reach their target audience as it does not require them to invest in expensive advertising campaigns.
  • Data-Driven: Geo-conquesting allows businesses to make data-driven decisions based on the data collected from the targeted consumers.

Examples of Geo-Conquesting

Geo-conquesting can be used in a variety of ways by businesses. Here are some examples of how businesses can use geo-conquesting to reach their target audience:

  • Restaurants can use geo-conquesting to target customers in the vicinity of their competitors. They can send messages offering discounts or freebies to attract customers away from their competitors.
  • Retail stores can use geo-conquesting to target customers in the vicinity of their competitors. They can send messages offering discounts or special deals to draw customers away from their competitors.
  • Banks can use geo-conquesting to target customers in the vicinity of their competitors. They can send messages offering lower interest rates or special offers to attract customers away from their competitors.


Geo-conquesting is a powerful marketing tool that can be used by businesses to target potential customers that are already in the vicinity of their competitors. Geo-conquesting allows businesses to customize their marketing campaigns to reach their target audience and make data-driven decisions based on the data collected from their target audience. For more information on geo-conquesting, you can check out the following links: