In-pack premium

What is an In-Pack Premium?

An In-Pack Premium is a promotional item that is included within a product packaging. It is a great way for companies to increase product sales, boost brand recognition, and reward loyal customers. In-pack premiums are usually low-cost items such as coupons, flyers, stickers, keychains, and other small items that can be easily included within the package.

The Benefits of In-Pack Premiums

In-pack premiums are a great way for companies to market their products and services. Here are just a few of the benefits of including these promotional items in product packaging:

  • Attract Attention: In-pack premiums can be used to attract attention to a product. For example, a company may include a coupon or flyer that offers a discount on a future purchase. This can help to generate interest in the product and lead to increased sales.
  • Increase Brand Recognition: Including an item with a company logo or message can help increase brand recognition. Customers may remember the logo or message and associate it with the company and its products.
  • Reward Loyal Customers: Companies can use in-pack premiums to reward loyal customers. For example, a company may include a coupon or keychain to thank customers for their loyalty and encourage them to remain loyal.

Examples of In-Pack Premiums

In-pack premiums can come in many forms, depending on the product and the company. Here are a few examples of what a company may include in their product packaging:

  • Coupons: Companies may include coupons for discounts on future purchases.
  • Flyers: Companies may include flyers with information about the product or services.
  • Stickers: Companies may include stickers with their logo or message.
  • Keychains: Companies may include keychains with their logo or message.
  • Toys: Companies may include small toys in the packaging of their products.

In-pack premiums are a great way for companies to market their products and services. They can help to attract attention, increase brand recognition, and reward loyal customers.


In-pack premiums are a great way for companies to market their products and services. They can help to attract attention, increase brand recognition, and reward loyal customers. Companies should consider using in-pack premiums as part of their promotional strategy. For more information about in-pack premiums and promotional marketing, visit the following websites: