Interactive advertising

What is Interactive Advertising?

Interactive advertising is an emerging approach to marketing that uses technology to engage potential customers. It is a form of advertising that allows users to interact directly with the advertisement, providing a more personalized and interactive experience. This type of advertising can be used to create more engaging campaigns, build brand awareness, and drive higher conversions.

Benefits of Interactive Advertising

Interactive advertising offers a number of benefits to businesses, including:

  • Improves user engagement and interaction with the advertisement
  • Creates more personalized experiences for customers
  • Increases brand awareness and loyalty
  • Creates higher conversions and ROI

Examples of Interactive Advertising

Interactive advertising is becoming more and more popular, with businesses creating more engaging and innovative campaigns. Some examples of interactive advertising include:

  • Interactive video ads that allow users to choose their own adventure
  • Augmented reality ads that allow users to interact with the ad in a 3D environment
  • Virtual reality ads that allow users to explore a 360-degree experience
  • Gamified ads that allow users to play a game as part of the ad


Interactive advertising is an emerging approach to marketing that allows users to interact directly with the advertisement. It offers a number of benefits to businesses, such as improved user engagement and increased conversions. Examples of interactive advertising include interactive video ads, augmented reality ads, virtual reality ads, and gamified ads. For more information on interactive advertising, check out the following resources: