Judgment sample

What is a Judgment Sample?

A judgment sample is a method used in market research to gather feedback from potential customers on a product or service before it is launched. The sample is made up of people who have been chosen to provide feedback on a product or service based on their unique experiences, opinions and interests. Through the use of this method, companies can gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of their target market before launching a product.

Benefits of Using a Judgment Sample

Using a judgment sample in market research can provide a number of advantages, such as:

  • Targeted Feedback: By choosing participants based on their unique experiences, opinions and interests, companies can get a more accurate and targeted feedback than a general survey.
  • Cost Savings: Using a judgment sample can save companies money in the long run, as they can make more informed decisions based on the feedback they receive.
  • Time Savings: Companies can receive feedback quickly, without having to wait for survey responses.

Examples of Judgment Samples

A few examples of judgment samples are:

  • Product Testing: Companies can send a product to a judgment sample for testing and feedback before launching it to the public.
  • Social Media: Companies can post a survey on social media platforms to get feedback from a judgment sample.
  • Focus Groups: Companies can host a focus group with a judgment sample to get feedback on a product or service.


A judgment sample is a great way for companies to get feedback from potential customers before launching a product or service. This method can provide targeted feedback, cost savings and time savings. Examples of judgment samples include product testing, social media surveys and focus groups. For more information on judgment samples, visit Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey.