Just-In-Time inventory

Just-In-Time Inventory – What Is It and How Does It Work?

Just-in-time (JIT) inventory is an inventory management system where businesses order and receive inventory only as it is needed for production, rather than maintaining a large stock of items. This system eliminates the need for a large inventory, reducing warehousing and storage costs, in addition to inventory-related losses.

Benefits of Just-In-Time Inventory

The main benefits of using JIT inventory are:

  • Reduced costs due to fewer inventory-related losses
  • Reduced warehousing and storage costs
  • Increased efficiency due to more accurate inventory tracking
  • Faster production times due to the availability of inventory when needed
  • Reduced inventory-related risks such as theft and damage

How Does Just-In-Time Inventory Work?

The JIT inventory system works by having businesses order and receive inventory only when it is needed for production. This eliminates the need for a large inventory as the inventory is only ordered and received as it is needed. This reduces costs related to warehousing and storage, as well as inventory-related losses. To ensure that the right inventory is ordered and received at the right time, businesses must have a thorough understanding of their production process and the materials they need to produce their products. This requires companies to track their inventory and production processes closely, and to have an efficient inventory tracking system in place.

Examples of Just-In-Time Inventory

There are many companies that use the JIT inventory system. Here are a few examples:

  • Toyota: Toyota is well known for its use of the JIT inventory system. The company has been using this system since the 1970s and has seen great success with it.
  • Amazon: Amazon uses the JIT inventory system to meet customer demand. The company keeps a small inventory of items and orders more when needed.
  • Walmart: Walmart also uses the JIT inventory system to ensure that its stores have the right amount of inventory when needed.


Just-in-time (JIT) inventory is an inventory management system where businesses order and receive inventory only as it is needed for production. This system eliminates the need for a large inventory, reducing warehousing and storage costs, in addition to inventory-related losses. Businesses must have a thorough understanding of their production process and the materials they need to produce their products in order to ensure that the right inventory is ordered and received at the right time.
